Spin a Wheel

In the previous tutorial we used some simple functions to turn a light on and off. Lets use some more advanced code to now control a motor. In this program we'll make use of a VEX MC-29 motor controller. These motor controllers use a Pulse Width Modulation signal to determine direction and magnitude of the motor rotation they control.

To control the MC-29, we'll make use of a software library. A software library is a collection of code written by someone else which is packaged up into a format that allows it to be re-used. Libraries are a core component of most programs and encapsulate standard functionality that is abstract enough to be useful across multiple programs.

For this program, we're going to use the Servo library to make the motor slowly ramp from spinning in one direction to spinning in the other direction. Full documentation for the Servo library can be found here.

Why are we using a library for Servos to control a motor? Servos are just a special kind of motor that are aware of how far they've spun. While this is really useful for a lot of applications where absolute positioning is required, like the fuel gauge in a car, its less useful when we want a continuous source or rotation like a DC gear motor. In these cases we can use a Continuous Rotation Servo which takes the same input signals as a servo, but rather than moving to a particular location in absolute terms, we control the rate of rotation in relative terms.

To start our program, we'll need to tell the Arduino compiler that we intend to use the Servo library, and that we want to connect a servo compatible device to motor port 1 on the Gizmo. Motor port 1 is the lowest connector on the right vertical grouping of connectors. The signal wire (white) for the MC-29 should be on the left side of the connector when it is plugged in.

#include <Servo.h>

This tells the compiler that we want to include the Servo library and make its functions available to the rest of the program. To use the names for ports rather than the numbers, we'll also need the Gizmo's library which provides these names. Include it in the same way:

#include <Gizmo.h>

Now that we have the servo library, we can make use of it and define a motor to use later:

Servo myMotor;

Just as in our blinking light program, we'll perform setup tasks in the setup() function:

void setup() {

This code tells myMotor to attach to and take control of the pin that the motor is connected to. On the Gizmo we name these pins so that its easier to understand what they're connected to, and to make code work across multiple different generations of the Gizmo's physical hardware. In this case, we're using the #1 motor port.

Lets make the motor move. We'll do that with 2 loops, one to ramp from full reverse slowly to full forward, and one to go from full forward to slowly full reverse. Since we want to output a range of values from one extreme to another, we'll use a for loop inside our larger loop() function.

A for() loop has the following syntax:

for(initialization, condition, increment)

You can read the full documetation of the for construct here, but the abridged version is as follows: The initialization code happens exactly once on the first trip through the loop. The condition is checked every time and has to evalute as a true expression to continue running the loop, and the increment happens after each trip through the loop. This is pretty abstract, so lets write a loop and see how it works:

for (int i=0 ; i<180 ; i++) {

This creates an integer variable called i and sets its value to 0, then says that this loop will run as long as the value of i is less than or equal to 180. Finally, each time through the loop we'll increase the value of i by one. The i++ is a more compact way of writing i = i + 1, but it does the same thing. Then, each time through the body of the loop (the indented part), we tell the motor to change speed to the current value of i and wait 20 milliseconds. We have to wait because the motor has some inertia and needs time to accelerate.

You might notice that we're incrementing from 0 to 180, and this is going from full speed in one direction to full speed in another. The Servo library uses a range from 0 to 180 to express output values because most standard servos can sweep through 180 degrees with a centerpoint at 90 degrees. Since our servo is a continuous rotation motor, this means that we have 90 steps of speed in one direction for values ranging from 0-89, then a stopped motor at a value of 90, then another set of steps in the other direction ranging from 91-180.

Lets put all of what we've learned together to write the whole program. You'll notice that for sending the motor the other way its the same loop body, but the numbers at the top are reversed so the loop goes from 180 to 0 now.

#include <Servo.h>
#include <Gizmo.h>

Servo myMotor;

void setup() {

void loop() {
    for (int i=0 ; i<180 ; i++) {
    for (int i=180 ; i>0 ; i--) {

Each time through loop() this code will spin the motor from one speed extreme to another, reversing the direction in the middle.


Motors take a lot of power. Way more than can be safely pulled out of the USB ports on your computer. To run this program, you'll need to have a battery conected to your Gizmo board. Check the instructions around the Main Power Connector for more information on connecting this cable.


In this program we learned about libraries and used the Servo library to control a motor. We also learned about how to use for loops to increment and decrement a value in a cycle.