The FMS is made up of multiple systems. These can each encounter unique failure modes, this page lists some of the common ones and steps to recover from each.

Flash Device Failure

During device flashing, you may get a key refused message, or other error from the flash process. If this occurs, re-run the flash-device command without rebooting the device you are flashing.

Bootstrap Failure

Most bootstrap issues arise from not waiting long enough for the network devices to boot. This is a process that requires patience. If you find that you have started the bootstrap too early and the process has crashed, you can clear out the state and restart it:

$ rm -r ~/.netstate

Note that doing this after the network configuration is actually done will result in an unrecoverable situation where you need to re-flash your equipment and re-bootstrap.

Bootstrap Terraform Initialization Fault

If the bootstrap process fails with a message related to terraform provider initialization, check that the FMS Workstation is still connected to the internet via WiFi. This connection must be maintained until the FMS network is fully configured and connected to wired internet.

Field Remap Aborted

If you try to remap the location bindings for teams while another remap is in progress the system may abort both. If this occurs, retry the binding and the new attempt will succeed.