How did the Gizmo get built?

Like everything, the Gizmo had to be conceived of as an idea, designed, and then fabricated. This section will give you an overview of how the team behind the Gizmo designs the hardware, software, and arranges for these designs to turn into real physical devices.

Tools and Opinions

Keep in mind that the Gizmo team is largely composed of engineers with wildly varied professional careers. These are the tools that we use, and these are based on our opinions around support, capability, and ease of use. If you want to do something similar to the Gizmo, evaluate what your team knows how to use and select your tools accordingly. We largely run on top of Linux which influences our tool choices significantly.

The Gizmo also leverages a large amount of Open Source software and hardware tooling. This tooling is available for free for anyone to inspect, learn from, use, or build on top of to create some thing new. If this sounds interesting to you, learn more about Open Source here.

Across all our workflows, we make use a Distributed Version Control System (DVCS). Our DVCS of choice is called Git and is very popular across industry, education, and hobbyist markets. Using a DVCS allows our team to each contribute to different components of the system from our individual places of work be it at home, in an office, or even a coffee shop. Git tracks all the changes that we make to each portion of our systems, and to revert changes that we don't like. In order to collaborate, we make use of a hosted platform for Git called GitHub. Even the docs you're reading right now are hosted on GitHub for us to collaboratively edit, review, and publish as changes happen. If you want to look at all our different work-spaces (called "repositories" on GitHub), you can start from our organization page.


The Gizmo is physically comprised of a circuit board and a case for that circuit board. We use different tools to design each part.

Printed Circuit Board

We design the Gizmo using an Electronic Design Automation suite called KiCAD. This software allows us to lay out our printed circuit boards, generate the files that our fabrication partners require, and automatically verify that our designs conform to certain rules. KiCAD is functionally similar to other Computer Aided Design (CAD) suites used for designing mechanical systems such as SolidWorks, AutoCAD, TinkerCAD or OnShape, just to name a few.

When designing a circuit board, its important to verify that not only the wires go where we expect, but also that we're observing any rules that are imposed by the company that manufactures our circuit boards. We're able to configure KiCAD to automatically check these Design Rules with Design Rule Checks (DRC). Design Rule Checks are just like spellcheck. We run our designs through both standard DRC workflows, as well as specific sets of rules that are provided by manufacturers that validate our designs can be built by their machines.


We use a couple of different tools to design and fabricate cases, depending on the manufacturing technology that will be used to produce the case. Our standard 3d printed case is designed using Blender. Blender is an extremely powerful 3d modeling, VFX, rendering, and video workbench. Best of all, its Open Source! Blender allows us to make very fast changes to the design of the case and directly export a design into the file format used by most 3d printers.


The Gizmo ecosystem is comprised of a number of different software components. There's firmware that gets loaded onto the System Processor on the Gizmo board, support libraries for all the languages that you can use to program your own code on the User Processor and software that has to run on a computer to orchestrate the data for multiple robots. This software is all broadly developed using the same workflows.

We start with a description of what the software should do, this can be a description written in English such as "the software should retrieve gamepad data and make that available to the user", or it can be a more machine oriented description such as this interface definition:

// JSController defines the interface that the control server expects
// to be able to serve
type JSController interface {
	GetState(string) (*gamepad.Values, error)

After we know what the software needs to do we usually write a really rough first draft of it that is functional, but isn't pretty. This rough draft will inform us as to whether the description is complete, and how the different parts need to fit together. After writing the rough draft, we'll circulate it amongst other developers to receive feedback and advice on how to change or improve the code. This is a crucial step that often catches errors in both design and implementation.

Incorporating the feedback as well as the better understanding we gained from the rough draft, we then revise our code to a more polished version. This may include refactoring code, creating new modules to encapsulate specific tasks, or scrapping the code and starting over if our initial assumptions weren't correct. What's important is that throughout this process we're creating checkpoints our work in Git (called 'commits'). These are specific changes that we write a message describing and can revert to later.

After we've reached a point where we're happy with the code, we need to release it and distribute it for people to use. Depending on the project, we have various ways to do this. For this gizmo tool itself, we use GitHub Actions to compile it for multiple operating systems and architectures, then compress these compiled artifacts for download directly to end users. For components like our Arduino library, we create a release tag that the Arduino IDE uses to identify a new version available for download.

Most of our team works from an operating system based on the Linux Kernel. This allows each member of the team incredible freedom to configure their environments based on personal taste. We also have access to Windows computers to test and document how things work, but most of our development is done from Linux environments. Our team is pretty evenly split in which editors we use, but we almost all use text editors instead of Integrated Development Environments (IDEs). An IDE is a complete environment with toolbars, language documentation, and debugging tools that you can use to develop programs. Some languages, like Java, are almost always programmed from inside an IDE. For the languages that the Gizmo platform components are built in (C, Arduino/Wiring, Go) we prefer to use simpler text editors. Notepad is an example of a text editor you may be familiar with. While most of our team uses either emacs or vim, we recommend that if you want to start out with a text editor you try Visual Studio Code which comes with lots of useful features to help you write and debug software. Its free and widely used with lots of tutorial information only a short Google search away.