Drive a Robot

So far, these tutorials have covered the basics of using Circuit Python to program your Gizmo. This includes things like Python language concepts, useful modules, and Gizmo-specific features. In this tutorial, we'll walk through the "" example program from the circuitpython_gizmo module. This code uses gamepad inputs to control two motors. With this, you can make a robot with two wheels that drives around.

Getting the Code

The circuitpython_gizmo module also provides a handful of example programs to show how to use different Gizmo features. You can download these examples by grabbing the examples zip file from the latest release. When you open that zip file, you should see several Python files. We're going to use "".

This is what that code looks like (without comments, for brevity):

import board
import time
import pwmio
import digitalio
from adafruit_motor import servo
from adafruit_simplemath import map_range
from circuitpython_gizmo import Gizmo

gizmo = Gizmo()

motor_left = servo.ContinuousServo(pwmio.PWMOut(gizmo.MOTOR_1, frequency=50))
motor_right = servo.ContinuousServo(pwmio.PWMOut(gizmo.MOTOR_2, frequency=50))

builtin_led = digitalio.DigitalInOut(board.GP25)
builtin_led.direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT

while True:
    builtin_led.value = not builtin_led.value


    throttle_left = map_range(gizmo.axes.left_y, 0, 255, -1.0, 1.0)
    throttle_right = map_range(gizmo.axes.right_y, 0, 255, -1.0, 1.0)

    motor_left.throttle = throttle_left
    motor_right.throttle = throttle_right


This program is only 28 lines of code and it can drive a robot. Now, this robot doesn't do much, but it is a great starting point to extend further. As written, this code expects a left and right drive motor to be attached to the first 2 motor ports. It also toggles the built-in LED to show that the program is running and hasn't frozen.

For more detail about what each component does, the example code in the released zip is heavily commented with descriptions for each component. Hopefully you recognize most of the contents as the building blocks introduced in earlier tutorials.

The one portion of this code that hasn't been shown yet in any of our previous programs is the map_range() function. These two lines do a really important task:

throttle_left = map_range(gizmo.axes.left_y, 0, 255, -1.0, 1.0)
throttle_right = map_range(gizmo.axes.right_y, 0, 255, -1.0, 1.0)

The joystick axis values range from 0 to 255, but the motor control range is from -1.0 to 1.0. The mapping between these two values is just a linear proportion, but the map_range() function saves the effort of writing out this proportion. It takes an input value, in this case the value of the gizmo.axes.left_y or gizmo.axes.right_y properties, an input range (0 to 255), and an output range (-1.0 to 1.0) and performs all the math in the background to transpose from one range to the other. The output of these computations is saved to temporary values to contain the target left and right motor speeds, but we could just as easily have condensed the code to store the values directly in the throttle parameters of the motor objects.

To drive a robot around using this code, save it to the Gizmo and make sure you have a practice mode running. You should see the 3 status LEDs on the Gizmo indicate green on top for a stable wireless connection, then a blinking white light in the middle to indicate the practice field is connected, and the bottom status LED will change colors based on the battery voltage. Once the middle LED starts blinking white, try pushing on the joysticks and the motors should respond. If one motor spins in the wrong direction, you can either fix this problem in software by inverting the range for that motor, or you can just swap the wires around to physically reverse the polarity of the motor.


In this tutorial we loaded the demo code and drove a robot around using the gizmo practice field. From here you can use the program as a starting point to make your own additions. Try adding another motor to control a manipulator, consider adding servos for movement, or try reading limit switches to navigate by bumping up against walls fully autonomously.

Remember you can always learn more about Circuit Python on the Circuit Python website and Adafruit Circuit Python tutorials, or if you get stuck, you can get help.