Programming Languages

Just like languages that people speak, computers speak languages too. These programming languages are used to provide specific instructions to the computer for what you want it to do, how you want it to do it, and what to do if things go wrong. The Gizmo's User Processor is a Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller which can be programmed in a variety of languages.

The Gizmo team provides explicit support for some of these languages with pre-fabricated support libraries, documentation, and a decent idea of what may have broken when you reach out for help. If you don't like any of the languages that we've chosen to support, it doesn't mean you're out of luck! The Raspberry Pi Pico is based on an ARM Cortex-M0+ processor which has broad support across many popular and niche programming languages. If you want to use a different language than what we've provided, we'd love to see what you come up with! For more information on how to do that, see adding a new language.

For using an existing language, there's several choices to choose from. See below for a list of available options, and consider trying several before you decide which one is right for you.


Arduino is an integrated system comprising an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), compiler, linker, and vast selection of libraries. The firmware for the System Processor was developed using frameworks provided by the Arduino ecosystem.

Programming with the Arduino environment is done using the C programming language, though it is also possible to use C++ for additional capabilities. Arduino is a text based environment that runs on your computer and produces a software image that gets installed onto the Gizmo. While often positioned as an advanced language, C does not have to be.

The Gizmo team recommends using Arduino if you have existing experience writing software, or require the highest performance in your programs.

Circuit Python

Python is an extremely popular language for building programs quickly as well as small tools. Python is an interpreted language, so it won't go as fast as a compiled language like C, but if you don't need raw speed its a great choice to get up and running quickly. Circuit Python is a dialect of Python that is built specifically for microcontrollers such as those used on the Gizmo. Circuit Python also has a rich suite of documentation and activities maintained by its sponsor, Adafruit.

Circuit Python is a text based environment which does not require any special tools on a computer to use, you can even write your code using Notepad, though the Gizmo team recommends you use a more powerful editor such as Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code for Python.

The Gizmo team recommends Circuit Python for users that have some understanding of how programs work, but don't want to deal with the more rigorous requirements of programming in C. Python is a great choice for first time programmers as well as its used in a number of introductory curriculums ranging from 6th grade through to the collegiate level.


Microblocks is a drag-and-drop programming environment reminiscent of the Scratch programming language. This programming language requires nothing more than a browser to get started as the entire environment runs as a web-page. Do note that Google Chrome is required.

The Gizmo team recommends Microblocks for anyone who's never written a program before, or environments where students writing code may not be proficient with touch typing.